domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

Roman Heritage

The Roman Empire was one of the largest, most powerful and influential Empires the World has ever seen. The Frontiers of the Roman Empire World Heritage Site reveals the epic story of Rome’s rise and fall – grand tales of Imperial ambition, personal dramas, political intrigue and commercial exploitation on a scale not seen until modern times.
The sites and museums along Hadrian’s Wall – the most magnificent and best preserved of Rome’s great frontiers, reveals these stories through state of the art galleries, each with its own compelling tales, illustrated with stunning objects set in the dramatic frontier landscape of Hadrian’s Wall Country.
There is a part of the Hadrian’s Wall Country for every visitor, from the stunning reconstructed Roman buildings, family friendly museums and dramatic cityscape of Tyneside, through the classic wild landscapes around
Vindolanda and Housesteads, the inspiring and family friendly modern museums and typical Roman forts of Carlisle and north Cumbria, to the amazing seascapes and wildlife of the west coast.


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